Examination for Parasites

Diagnosis of intestinal parasites, tissue parasites and molecular diagnosis (PCR) of toxoplasmosis

Parasites can have a mechanical, toxic or allergic effect on the human body. In addition to digestive problems, they also cause skin problems. These manifest themselves in the form of hives or eczema, which are the result of an allergic reaction to the toxins secreted by the parasites.

Diagnosis of intestinal parasites

For the diagnosis of intestinal parasites, very effective, non-invasive coprological methods are used, consisting in the analysis of a stool sample.

How do parasites get into our bodies?

Most commonly, we become infected by swallowing infectious eggs through unwashed hands, fruits and vegetables, or through contaminated water. Parasites can also enter our bodies through insufficiently heat-treated meat - "tartar," undercooked steaks, etc.

What parasites should be detected?

The examination includes the diagnosis of all intestinal worms (helminths) that are present in our conditions. These include human tapeworm, roundworm, roundworm, baby tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, long tapeworm, common tapeworm, and Dipylidium caninum.

What parasites cause and their symptoms

The human hookworm is the most common intestinal parasite. A typical symptom is itching. Children are particularly restless, especially at night. In addition, mosquitoes cause indigestion, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and in some cases even appendicitis.

Roundworm in children. Its presence is manifested by fatigue, abdominal pain, indigestion, increased temperature, anemia, swelling of various parts of the body or an allergic reaction in the form of hives.

"Vlasovec" is a parasite that causes nutritional disorders, abdominal pain and in severe cases even anemia.

Child tapeworm is a small tapeworm that occurs not only in children. This disease usually runs for a long time without symptoms. Later, it can become noticeable through inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, abdominal pain and vomiting.

Sometimes there are also symptoms associated with the toxic or allergic effect of the parasites.

Hymenolepis diminuta is one of the smaller tapeworms and its occurrence in the intestine is similar to that of the baby tapeworm.

The presence of a tapeworm, which grows up to 12 meters long, is usually manifested by digestive problems, itching and headaches.

The tapeworm is the most dangerous foodborne parasite in the world. Humans become infected with the larval stages after eating inadequately cooked pork. The larval stages in the intestine grow into an adult tapeworm that secretes eggs. The intestinal form of the disease is manifested by digestive symptoms. A person can also become infected by an egg from the environment. Infection with eggs leads to the formation of cysts in various parts of the body, most commonly in the brain or eye.

Dipylidium caninum, a type of tapeworm that causes abdominal pain and itching in the perianal area.

Preparation for diagnosis

After the order is placed, it is necessary to come for a consultation, during which the client will receive detailed information on the diagnosis of each type of parasite and instructions on how to collect samples. At least 30 days before taking the sample, it is not recommended to take any medications or preparations against parasites.

The course of the examination

Initial consultation and subsequent submission of a stool sample. After receiving the sample, the result of the examination is sent to the client within three weeks. In case of a positive result it is necessary to visit the attending physician.

In case of a positive result, it is important that the parasite examination is repeated at an appropriate time interval even after the treatment to check whether the treatment was successful.

Diagnosis of tissue parasites

This group of parasites was named after the fact that they live in internal tissues and organs. They pose a threat mainly because of the slow onset of the symptoms they cause. The basis of the test is serological detection of IgG antibodies using the ELISA method. This is a highly sensitive method that enables the detection of specific antibodies against individual parasite species based on specially prepared antigens.

What parasites should be detected?

The examination includes the diagnosis of echinococcosis, whose causative agents are the fox tapeworm and the dog tapeworm, larval toxocarosis, whose causative agents are the dog roundworm and the cat roundworm, and trichinellosis, which is caused by the roundworm.

What tissue parasites cause and symptoms

The fox tapeworm is the causative agent of severe alveolar echinococcosis. It is a tiny tapeworm that is only a few millimeters long. The adults live in the intestines of foxes, and less commonly in the intestines of dogs and cats. The larval stages of tapeworms take the form of an indefinite cyst that overgrows the organs of intermediate hosts, including humans. Cysts most commonly occur in the liver. The disease is very serious and has non-specific symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, respiratory problems and others.

The dog tapeworm is the causative agent of less severe cystic echinococcosis. The larval stages are in the form of a circumscribed cyst. In humans, the organ most commonly affected is the liver, and less commonly the lungs, kidneys, spleen, or other organs. This disease also has non-specific symptoms such as abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, elevated temperature. Under certain circumstances, allergic syndrome may also occur.

The dog roundworm and cat roundworm are common parasites in dogs and cats. The course of the disease in humans depends on the migration of the larvae, which travel through the tissues and cause various damages. Organ toxocarosis is manifested by loss of appetite, fever, and muscle pain. Skin infection causes swelling and rashes. The eye form can end with inflammation of the retina and even loss of vision.

Svalovec stočený. In humans, roundworm larvae cause muscle pain, fever, swelling of the face and eyelids, bleeding under the nails, or rashes on the trunk and limbs.

Preparation for diagnosis

After ordering, it is necessary to come for a consultation, where the client will receive detailed information about the diagnosis of each parasite species and instructions for blood collection. At least 30 days before the blood collection, you should not take any medications or preparations against parasites.

The course of the examination

Initial consultation and subsequent blood collection. After the collection, the result of the examination is sent to the client within three weeks. In case of a positive result it is necessary to visit the attending physician.

Molecular diagnosis (PCR) of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Pregnant women and people with immune system disorders are at greatest risk. Symptoms of the disease may include nausea, headache, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes and rash. PCR diagnosis of toxoplasmosis from blood is not commonly available in commercial laboratories.

Microscopic diagnostics

Microscopic examination consists of identifying developmental stages of parasites, tapeworms, or suspected foreign insects. Microscopic diagnosis also includes identification of adult stages of human thrush from perianal adhesions.

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