Nose corrections

The balance of facial features is the key to an attractive appearance. The nose significantly influences the appearance of people. Therefore, even small deviations in the shape, angle and tip of the nose can play an important role and disturb the symmetry of the face.

Surgery of the nose (rhinoplasty) solves these problems and is one of the most common procedures in aesthetic surgery. Correction of the nose is not only an aesthetic procedure, but often improves one of the functions of this organ - breathing. Both the aesthetic and functional significance of the procedure significantly improves the patient's psychological condition, frees him from his complexes and contributes to his physical and mental harmony.

The nose can also change its shape due to an injury. We can also correct post-traumatic deformities, always trying to assess the deviations in detail and propose the most appropriate solution to achieve the maximum result.


Preoperative preparation

Surgery is preceded by a consultation with the surgeon. When planning the procedure, the nose must be thoroughly examined, with the surgeon assessing the shape and any deformities of the nose, breathing, tissue type, nasal skeleton, skin characteristics, etc. The surgeon will inform the client about the surgery and the schedule.

During the operation

In simple rhinoplasties, where the soft tissues are corrected, the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. For more complex procedures, general anaesthesia is preferred.

The surgery lasts 60-90 minutes, depending on the extent of the procedure. After disinfecting and covering the surgical site, the procedure is performed to reduce or enlarge the nose, remove the hump, change the shape of the tip or bridge of the nose, reduce the diameter and angle between the nose and upper lip. This procedure can be combined with surgery of the nasal septum. All this is done on the basis of a preoperative consultation between the surgeon and the patient.

An uncomplicated, simple rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, which means that the client leaves the clinic shortly after the surgery and goes home accompanied by another person. For more extensive procedures, hospitalisation for at least one night is advisable and the client leaves the clinic the next day after the surgery.

During the hospital stay, the patient receives infusions and pain medication and is monitored by qualified staff for all physiological functions. The next day, the dressing is changed. The patient is then discharged home accompanied by another person.

Postoperative care

After surgery, temporary swelling, hematoma around the eyes and nose, easy nosebleed immediately after surgery, and a feeling of nasal congestion may be observed. After the operation, it is necessary to splint the nose.

Postoperative check-ups are always performed after consultation with the surgeon. In urgent cases, the follow-up examination can be performed immediately. The first control examination takes place no later than 7 days after the operation, when the stitches are removed. The final result of the surgery can be assessed only six months later, when the formation of the soft tissues of the corrected nose is completed.

The client can return to work 2 weeks after the surgery. During these 2 weeks we recommend the client not to go to work. Strenuous activities can be performed 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. The client should avoid all activities that could damage the nose for at least 8 weeks. We recommend not exposing the operated area to sunlight for at least 2 months after surgery, and even after this time it is advisable to use UVA and UVB protective creams.


Before & After


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