Application of botulinum toxin to eliminate excessive sweating

Learn more about dry armpits, palms and feet

Botulinum toxin is commonly used to treat a variety of problems. It helps treat wrinkles, but it's also an ideal solution if your armpits, palms or feet sweat too much. Once botulinum toxin is inserted into this area, sweating stops completely and the effect lasts from 3 to 9 months. The treatment is painless.

During the treatment

After local disinfection, the doctor injects botulinum toxin directly into the skin in the armpit, palm or foot area with a thin needle. The treatment itself is simple and takes very little time. The number of injections depends on the particular area. Slight swelling and redness may persist for a few minutes, or a small bruise may appear, but it will disappear within a few days. The effect itself is visible after 48 to 72 hours and fully develops in 2 to 3 weeks. 

The Do´s and Don´ts

After treatment, we recommend that you wash the treated area with water. We also advise against massaging the area. If botulinum toxin has been applied to the armpit, it is advisable to wear cotton clothing for 2 or 3 days.


If you are pregnant, treatment is not an option. Autoimmune diseases are also a contraindication. If you are breastfeeding, you must also wait a few weeks.



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