Lip Enlargemnet, Correction around the Lips

Beautiful lips at any age - increase of the volume of the lips and elimination of wrinkles around the lips

Beautiful lips are not a matter of age.

Blossoming symmetric lips can work wonders. At our clinic, we apply hylauronic acid to either augment them — if our clients are not happy with the shape or size of their lips, or to remove wrinkles from around their lips — this usually applies to clients of a certain age. We use hylauronic acid and inject it straight into the lips. An we use it because it minimises swelling and other side effects. Your lips will be soft, tender and natural.

Application and material

If you’re looking to augment your lips, we will simply change their volume and shape by injecting hylauronic acid. If you want to remove wrinkles, we will work on the lines of your lips. This will not only make your wrinkles disappear, but also make them more beautiful.


To augment your lips and smoothen the wrinkles, we use hylauronic acid, which is absorbed easily. Other materials, like collagen, have a number of side effects, such as lip deformation or allergies. Bundles may also appear with these materials and a surgery is then needed to remove them. On the other hand, hylauronic acid is completely safe, as it’s natural to our skin.


NEW — RESTYLANE KYSSE: Lip volumization — the newest method to make your lips more beautiful and natural. It straightens asymmetries, increases volume and shapes the lips perfectly. Lips also remain naturally soft.

Hydratácia pier

Hydratácia pier a výplň pier sú dve odlišné veci. Ak máte suché, popraskané pery, problém je v nedostatočnej hydratácii, teda zavodnení organizmu. Pleť stráca pružnosť, pery červeň a nastáva suchosť. Nezbavíte sa jej výplňou kyselinou, problém je v pokožke. Vieme tomu napomôcť aplikáciou najjemnejšej kyseliny, ktorá je hydrofilná a pery vypne, preto vyzerajú hydratovanejšie. Problém s pokožkou však ostáva, treba hydratovať zvonku aj zvnútra. Hydratáciou sa označuje dodanie objemu popadnutým, vpáčeným perám, ktoré vekom strácajú pružnosť a objem, ale klientky si neželajú zväčšenie, len antiageing, prípadne pozdvihnutie kontúry v dôsledku fajčiarskych vrások. 


Volumizácia pier

Predovšetkým úzke pery treba postupne volumizovať. Na kontúrovanie pier a volumizáciu kyselinou HA nie sú všeobecné vzorce, dôležitý je zmysel pre detail a estetické cítenie. Ďalším levelom je chirurgické zväčšenie pier, ktoré je na rozdiel od kyseliny trvalé, nie vždy však úplne prirodzené. Krásna operácia so super efektom je lifting hornej pery.

Russian lips

Pery tvorené trendy technikou, ktorej cieľom je zdvíhať červeň pery a nepridávať neprirodzený objem. Najvhodnejšie sú pre ženy s prirodzene plnými perami. Úzke pery treba postupne volumizovať. V takýchto prípadoch odporúčame semi-russsian lips. Vyťahujeme cupid bows - srdiečko, maximálne na tri vpichy a ďalšími volumizujeme do strán. Dôležité je vyhnúť sa veľkému objemu po stranách, vtedy vznikajú sausage lips. Ak zase dopĺňame veľký objem centrálne, môže vzniknúť zobáčik. 

Durng the treatment

Before the treatment, we talk to the client to establish what the desired effect should be. The treatment is usually divided into two separate applications. First, we apply a half to two thirds of the ampule. After roughly two weeks it’s time for a second application, when we use the rest of the material. With our regular clients, it’s also possible, to do all this within a single session, as they usually know what they expect. The treatment itself lasts for 5 to 7 minutes.


There’s minimal swelling in the immediate aftermath of the treatment. The clients can immediately return to their everyday routine. Lipstick may also be applied immediately. For a few days, swelling may be expected in the morning, but it won’t influence your usual activities and will be gone within a few days. In two weeks, swelling subsides and the material settles.


Officially, the effect lasts for up to 12 months. Experience shows though, that it usually lasts for a few months more, sometimes for as long as two years.

Minimal pain involved

There’s minimal pain during the treatment. RESTYLANE products contain a local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel anything for a few minutes right after it’s applied. Should there be a problem, though, we can always apply creme, which also contains local anaesthetics.


Acute virus or bacterial infection — herpes or other infections of the lip. In this case, the treatment needs to be postponed by a few days.

Contouring a zväčšenie pier, odstránenie vrások a kruhov pod očami

Nástrahy neodbornej aplikácie výplňových materiálov

Volumizácia pier, korekcia okolia pier.


Before & After

K tomuto produktu nemáme zatiaľ žiadne hodnotenia.

The procedures are also available in installments

Would you be interested in the procedure but can not afford to pay for it all at once? Envy Clinic in cooperation with HOME Credit offers you a loan for our services from 100 euros up to 3000 euros with a repayment period of up to 20 months! You will complete all the requirements for the credit in a few minutes directly at our reception.


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