Antolská 4
851 07 Bratislava
(spoločná recepcia so zubnou klinikou Dr. Martin)
Milí klienti, radi by sme Vás informovali o dopravných obmedzeniach v mestskej časti Bratislava - Petržalka. S výstavbou električkovej trate sú spojené viaceré úpravy križovatiek, ciest a chodníkov, ktoré prinesli dočasné dopravné obmedzenia.
Excessive weight loss often results in sagging of the skin on the inner thighs. This condition can be corrected by surgical removal of excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. If there is excess fat, the procedure can be combined with the VaserLipo liposuction method.
Would you be interested in the procedure but can not afford to pay for it all at once? Envy Clinic in cooperation with HOME Credit offers you a loan for our services from 100 euros up to 3000 euros with a repayment period of up to 20 months! You will complete all the requirements for the credit in a few minutes directly at our reception.
Would you be interested in the procedure but can not afford to pay for it all at once? Envy Clinic in cooperation with HOME Credit offers you a loan for our services from 100 euros up to 3000 euros with a repayment period of up to 20 months! You will complete all the requirements for the credit in a few minutes directly at our reception.
We recommend that you discuss the exact details of the procedure in a personal consultation with a physician. The doctor will suggest the best course of the procedure and calculate the exact amount of the procedure. We know that your health and satisfaction come first.
If you have any questions before the consultation, please write to us at, use our online consultation center or call us at +421 55/6761666.
At ENVY you will of course find 100% discretion. You can count on that.
After a procedure
Have you had a procedure and had any doubts or complications?
In many cases, it may just be a normal follow-up treatment as part of normal convalescence. Therefore, we recommend that you contact us before you contact us. Please read the information on our website about a particular procedure or that of our client's FAQ.
Many times it is possible to solve one problem of skin or body in several ways - procedures.
Therefore, for some problems, we have included related procedures into three levels of intensity, depending on the resulting effect of the procedure or the degree of invasiveness.