Vitamin C and its strong antioxidant effects not only affect the overall regeneration of the body, but also its rejuvenation - it supports the formation of collagen in the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles. The overall functioning of the body will improve and the natural beauty will be visible to the outside.
- to promote collagen production
- to prevent wrinkles
- for prevention of spring fatigue
- in case of concentration problems, mental stress or physical exertion (including sports)
- to prevent chronic diseases under the influence of increased stress
- in case of oxidative stress - when you are overworked, have a poor diet, are tired, overcome the acute phase of an inflammatory disease (which can become chronic)
After taking 200 mg of vitamin C in tablet form, the body absorbs 100% of the ingested vitamin. However, if you increase the dose of the vitamin in the tablets, the amount of vitamin absorbed decreases. At a dose of 1 g, it is only 50% - the body has a limited amount of carriers in the intestine for vitamin C. By taking vitamin C in food or in tablet form, it is possible to reach a level of 1.5 mg / dl, infusion is more than 40 mg / dl.
Preventive - low dose treatment
1. completion of a questionnaire confirming that you are not being treated for diseases for which infusion therapy is used. C does not serve:
- Disorders of iron metabolism and its storage in the body (thalassemia, hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anaemia),
- tendency to form kidney stones - in the so-called oxalate urolithiasis (if you are monitored by a urologist for nephrolithiasis).
Therapeutic - high-dose treatment
1. uric acid and creatinine determination the day before (exclusion of limiting factors by the kidneys and gout)
2. completion of a questionnaire confirming that you are not being treated for conditions for which infusion therapy is used. C does not serve:
- Disorders of iron metabolism and its storage in the body (thalassemia, hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anaemia),
- tendency to form kidney stones - in the so-called oxalate urolithiasis (if you are monitored by a urologist for nephrolithiasis).
Warning - vitamin C may interfere with the effect of anticoagulants, taking it at the same time with fluphenazine reduces the effect of fluphenazine. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin, anopyrin and other drugs containing them) increases their effect and at the same time decreases the effect of vitamin C. If you are taking chemotherapy, the interval between its administration and taking vitamin C should be 1-3 days, depending on the type of cytostatic drug.
In nature, animals can produce vitamin C. Humans have lost this ability. Therefore, it is necessary to supply vitamin C with food. The absorption of vitamin C deteriorates when the mucous membranes of the small intestine are damaged (inflammations, allergies, etc.) and also in old age, when it must be supplied from the outside.
Vitamin C is a safe substance for the body. It is not possible to take an overdose. The body absorbs as much as it needs according to its current needs and excretes the rest in the stool and urine.
Vitamin C was extracted from pepper by the Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyim. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery. It is a water-soluble vitamin that is absorbed directly into the blood in the upper and middle part of the small intestine. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, meaning it blocks free radicals in the body in the liver that contribute to atherosclerosis, diabetes, rheumatism, cancer, chronic fatigue, depression, etc. Protects the body from high cholesterol and its deposition in the blood vessel wall, strengthens the blood vessel walls, is toxic to cancer cells, participates in the formation of neurotransmitters, which are important for the proper functioning of the nervous and brain activity and psyche, participates in the formation of collagen - joints, tendons, skin and connective tissue, in the formation of sebum, bile acids, adrenaline, bone metabolism, carnitine, contributes to the absorption of iron into the body is a cofactor of regeneration processes.
Vitamin C is a physiological antioxidant - i.e. it produces other antioxidants in the body - the lipophilic vitamin E. Its antioxidant effect is shown by the fact that it protects all tissues from oxidative damage. It also supports the immune system and the cardiovascular system.